Did you know that glass jars and bottles are 100% recyclable? They can be recycled continuously in rubbish skips and waste bins with no loss in either their quality or their purity. In excess of a tonne of natural resources are saved for every tonne of recycled glass placed into mini skips or rubbish skips.

A reduction of 2-3% in energy costs for every 10% cullet used in the manufacturing process. Rubbish bin recycled glass has many social, economic and environmental advantages. These include the conservation of precious natural resources and raw materials used in industries like the waste bin industry.

By making products from recycled materials instead of pure materials, we conserve land and reduce the need to drill for oil and deep excavations for minerals and the need for rubbish bins. Making products from recycled materials creates less air and water pollution than making products from pure materials. Saving energy reduces acid rain, global warming and air pollution and the need for waste bins.